University Toledo - Edward H. Schmidt School of Professional Sales
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Networking Night
Lancelot Thompson Student Union (SU) - Auditorium
2801 W Bancroft
Toledo, OH 43606

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Thursday, October 17, 2019, 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM EDT
Category: ESSPS Partners, Non-partners, and All Students

Open networking and table talks with our professional sales students.  Concurrent conversation tracks during each table talk round will cultivate both student development and company pipeline.  Companies are strongly encouraged to bring 2 people so one can handle student development and the other can handle recruitment pipeline.  The development track will focus on themes (culture & branding, internships, and career latticing) and will have prompts for each round to guide an interactive conversation between the students and business professionals.  The recruitment track will focus on internships and post graduation career openings.  Students will self select which track they want to participate in.

Event Details

Park in lot 10/Glass Bowl.  For further details, please visit the ESSPS Event Parking page.

Registration $400 (included for ESSPS Partners as part of their package)

Register Now - Companies

Register Now - Students (for table talks)

Contact: ESSPS